CIRCLE LINE · Concept Art
Concept art of the main creature for the long-feature ‘Circle Line’ the first movie in the history of Singapore. Here you will see some explorations of the creature, including a six leg version. Initially was very ‘Iguana’. Creature design by Victor Marin and Sergio Sandoval.
In the gallery below you will find some concept art, the movie poster and some final frames. Copyright of Taipan Films & Omen Studios. You can see the trailer HERE of the little featurette HERE.

I did the concept art for the arm of the main character. Here you will see the evolution of the concept (according the feedback of the film director). They used a prosthetic arm created by Zero SFX and for some stills they used my Zbrush model (CGI). Starring by Casper Van Dien.
In the gallery below you will find my digital sculptures / concept and some final frames. Copyright of their respective owners.

ALIEN RACES · Concept Art
Extraterrestrial life, colloquially referred to as alien life, is life that may occur outside of Earth and which did not originate on Earth. No extraterrestrial life has yet been conclusively detected, although here you will find some of my proposals.
Obviously influenced by the wonderful worlds of Star Wars, Star Trek and The Orville.

BARBATOS · Concept Art + Traditional Sculpting
Fast concept art done for a show with my friends of Barbatos FXs. We started with this simple concept and then in just 8 hours we sculpt a life-size demon with WED Clay. The last pic is not a render, is the finished bust (photo by Marin & Jaramillo)
You can find the video in the VIDEOS section of my site or HERE to see directly in youtube.

HORROR · Concept Art
A few horror concepts (personal and professional stuff).
Copyright of their respective owners.

SCI-FI · Concept Art
A few science fiction concepts (personal and professional stuff).
Copyright of their respective owners.

DRAGONS · Concept Art
Some dragons I did for different projects.
A dragon is a reptilian legendary creature that appears in the folklore of many cultures worldwide. One of the funniest creatures to create art.

BIG MONSTERS · Concept Art
Kaijus and big monsters and creatures. Personal stuff.